Wimbledon Domestic Cleaning Services

domestic cleaning londonHaving a domestic cleaning buddy, available to you, at all times, seven days a week is definitely a good thing. Our company offers you the ultimate cleaning results, brought to you by real, trained and highly qualified technicians with more than 3 years of experience working with us.

No matter what type of cleaning chore you outsource to do, we guarantee that it will be carried out to perfection. Throughout our years of working and providing good cleaning service, we have handled lots of different and hard cases.

Domestic Cleaning Prices Wimbledon

Domestic Cleaning Services Prices
Regular Cleaning £20/h
One Off Cleaning £20/h
Spring Cleaning £20/h
After Builders Cleaning from £161

Our cleaners showed real professionalism every time, they managed to remove even the most stubborn stains, remove unwanted dirt and pet hair as well as bad odors coming from furniture, carpet and kitchens.

Having been one of the few domestic cleaning services in Wimbledon that employs only real professional technicians to carry out the cleanings, we pride ourselves with our capabilities and the work we do.

Our price rates are also very affordable and fair, you will spend less money with us and receive top-quality end-cleaning results. The schedule we use is more than flexible, it completely works in your favor and so do we.

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a burden, with us it is a pleasure. Enjoy a deep-cleaned property- only one phone call away

domestic cleaning services londonYou can get a free estimate while on the phone with our operators. They will explain the cleaning process to you and answer all your questions.

As for our cleaners- they are all legally licensed to practice cleaning in Wimbledon, background-checked and bonded, they use environment-friendly cleaning materials to carry out the cleanings and we guarantee that no chemicals will be used on your property.

Every cleaning product and solution that we use is totally earth-based and not at all chemically based.

“Your company is literally saving my life! With two kids and way too many business trips, I hardly have the time to sleep enough. With your help, I do not have to worry about scrubbing the floors and changing linen. A big thanks to all your hard-working employers! – Summer”

    • Skilled and properly trained cleaning technicians who can defeat any dirt, dust and stain
    • All of our cleaning equipment is high-quality, the latest you can find and also the most efficient and affective
    • Flexible working schedule to better coincide with yours
    • Fair and balanced price rates
    • Friendly cooperation and diligent service from all our employees

    “ Yesterday I had your cleaners clean my house and I was pleasantly surprised by the end results. There were stains on the kitchen counter older than my son who is now in preschool, and somehow you managed to remove them all. Such a flawless cleaning job! – Ziggy”

    Facts About Wimbledon

    Wimbledon is a large district in the south-west part of London, England. Formerly Wimbledon was part of the Mortlake’s manor, however, it is believed that the area of Wimbledon was inhabited since the Iron Age.

    The worldwide popular tennis championship Wimbledon is held in this area and it attracts a great number of tourists from all around the globe. This district is also a home to the Wimbledon Common which is one of the biggest areas of common land in the British capital.

    Another place of interest which attracts many tourists and locals is the New Wimbledon Theatre. This theatre is a Grade II listed Edwardian building which hosted shows such as Cats, Dirty Dancing, Beauty and the Beast, West Side Story and many more.

    The district has a plenty of landmarks and interesting places. There is a number of cinemas, delicious restaurants, independent shops and more.

    “ I trust your domestic service the most. I have tried other services before but none of them performed like you do. The cleaning your technicians provide is very thorough and detailed- I can always count on you to step up anytime and clean my house just the way I want. – Hillary”

    “I’ve been relying on your regular domestic cleaning services for more than a year now and I want to express my gratitude. Your services are not only affordable and professional, but your technicians have amazing attention to detail, too. They don’t simply make my home shine – they make it sparkling clean – Maria”

    A clean home is important for the well-being of every family. Yet, sometimes life just happens and doesn’t leave you any time for housework. When you need a hand with the maintenance of your living space, don’t hesitate to take advantage of our domestic cleaning.

    The service includes regular chores such as cleaning the kitchen area, hoovering carpets, washing floors, general cleaning of all rooms, dusting, etc. If there are any areas that require extra attention, don’t hesitate to point them out. Our main objective is to satisfy your individual needs. You can book appointments with us in the entire Wimbledon.