Camberwell Domestic Cleaning Services

domestic cleaning londonHave you ever dreamed about coming home and not having to deal with chores like cleaning and tidying up, well your dream can come true because our domestic cleaning service exists. You can hire us and someone will be coming over a few times a week and keep things nice and tidy.

We can confidently say that our experience in the Camberwell field is pretty good. We have enough knowledge and skills to make every client that comes to us, very happy and satisfied.

Domestic Cleaning Prices Camberwell

Domestic Cleaning Services Prices
Regular Cleaning £20/h
One Off Cleaning £20/h
Spring Cleaning £20/h
After Builders Cleaning from £161

People who contact us for the first time are first introduced to the domestic cleaning service before anything else. Our team explains how the entire service works from hiring to its completion. The client needs to be certain if they want the service or not.

The domestic cleaning service needs to be always in favor of the client. If the client has questions that fall into the Camberwell area, they are provided with the needed answers. The client must be properly informed and know what they are paying for.

What happens next is the booking of the service. Which is followed by the cleaning team being notified, and one of them is appointed for the client. The cleaning team is very strict with their schedules so the client should expect them to arrive right on time.

We will take care of the chores, you make sure you have fun

domestic cleaning services londonWith the cleaner making the first steps into the clients home, cleaning begins a moment later. There is no wasting of time. Everything is done professionally and any high standards are kept high.

The cleaner makes sure to cover every square inch of the client’s home without missing even the most obscure areas. And the cleaning products they are using are carefully selected to be Green and safe for the health.

“It is not easy for us to keep the house clean with the kids always running around. The cleaners, who visit us every Tuesday help us a lot. We are extremely satisfied with their work. The fellows know our home very well already and leave it in excellent condition every time. – Wendy”

    • Our clients do not pay for any consumables used by our team.
    • Our clients have control over the service. They can reschedule or cancel if they need to.
    • Our clients pay for and get the full service.
    • Every client’s service is equally carried out.

    “ I employed your house cleaning services for a cleaning two days ago and your team did wonders with the place! Honestly, I have never experienced a more diligent and thorough cleaning- I can tell that every surface of my house looks and feels different. Big thanks to you and your team, I will definitely have you over for a cleaning again someday. – Bethany”

    Facts About Camberwell

    Camberwell is a South London district, which is located near the London Borough of Southwark and Charing Cross.

    The name of the area means “Well of the Britons”, but there is another opinion, which says that the name most probably means “Cripple Well”.

    Just like every other town, this one also has its interesting buildings and places that are a must see. The town is famous for the Georgian housing style and a good example of this are Grove Lane, Camberwell Grove and Addington Square.

    There are a lot of parks and gardens in which people can walk, play sports or just enjoy the beautiful nature. Bowen Gardens and Riversdale Park are one of them.

    Camberwell has also many interesting galleries, such as Camberwell College of Arts, South London Gallery and others. There is only one theatre venue in this town and this is the Blue Elephant Theatre.

    “ Hands down, you are the best , most effective cleaning service we have ever experienced. Me and my entire family were on a vacation and were gone for 1 month. Needless to say the house needed a refreshment and your cleaners provided just the one needed. – Sylvia”

    “ I really enjoy your house cleaning service. The technicians you sent to my home are apparently very diligent and skilled. I have had stains on my kitchen counter and furniture that are maybe more than a year old and after your cleaners were gone, so were the stains! Amazing. – Debora”

    If you live in a way too big home and you can barely find time to clean it entirely all by yourself, make sure to get in touch with our company and book our exceptional domestic cleaning services. We will send our best cleaners and they will help you in this labour-intensive activity.

    Our domestic cleaning is available to anyone with a property in Camberwell. Our housekeepers are fully trained to cope with different cleaning situations and challenges. They have many years of practice in this field and will not hesitate to help you with all your cleaning needs. Call us.