Wanstead Domestic Cleaning Services

domestic cleaning londonThe most satisfying part about using the help of a professional cleaning company to handle the cleanings at your house is that you come home to a clean, properly disinfected home. A lot of people dream of doing that and we would like to make these dreams a reality for as many hard-working people as possible.

We are a domestic cleaning service located in Wanstead and we believe that we are the best decision for a well-handled, clean home. The diligence of our employees coupled with the years of experience they posses amongst a few other things is the key to our efficiency.

Domestic Cleaning Prices Wanstead

Domestic Cleaning Services Prices
Regular Cleaning £20/h
One Off Cleaning £20/h
Spring Cleaning £20/h
After Builders Cleaning from £179

We can undertake any cleaning chore you want and carry it out to perfection. No matter what area, item or room you want cleaned- we are on it. Not having to lift your finger and still coming home to a cleaned home is a wonderful feeling that all our customers cherish.

With our affordable price rates, flexible schedule and effective cleaning we have become the go-to cleaning service of many resident in E11. Employ us for a cleaning and we will prove to you that professional cleaning can be both cheap and efficient.

We have all we need to perform the most effective and thorough professional cleaning

domestic cleaning services londonAll of our cleaners are trained professionals. They have years of experience cleaning homes and there is no one better or more trustworthy for the job. Legally licensed to practice cleaning in Wanstead, background-checked and bonded- they are the best of the best in the business as well as in the area.

They bring their own tools and equipment and all you have to do is let them in to start working their magic. Your home will shine bright after just one cleaning and you will want more, because it feels good to have your house cleaned by professionals with zero efforts on your part.

“As a woman I’m expected to keep my home sparking clean no matter what. But I’m so busy at work that I never have the time. A friend recommended your domestic services and I booked for regulars. You completely eased my life. My home is clean and fresh thanks to you – Barbara”

    • Fast, effective and efficient performance from all our employees
    • Guaranteed impeccable end-cleaning results
    • Trained, skilled and highly qualified cleaning technicians
    • Have your house all sparkling clean with zero efforts on your part
    • Deep and thorough dirt and dust extraction and removal

    “I’ve been cleaning my home for more than 25 years all by myself. To be honest, I didn’t want to stop, but, you know, when your knees start to hurt, cleaning is the least you thing you want to do. That is why I started using your cleaning services. Your technician keeps my home spotless – Virginia”

    Facts About Wanstead

    Wanstead is a district in the north-east part of London. It is believed that the name of the area comes from Saxon origin and was first mentioned in charter of 1065.

    The area contains a number of schools. Some of those were The Royal Commercial Travellers Schools. Those schools provided over 100 children with home, clothes, food and education. The parents of those children were commercial travellers who had died or unable to take care of their children.

    Another school was The Royal Merchant Navy School which was founded in 1862. The building later was converted into a convent refuge and then it became hospital (Wanstead Hospital). Today’s schools are St Joseph’s Convent schools, Wanstead High School, Wanstead church school and others.

    One of the Wanstead’s places of worship is the St Mary the Virgin Church. It was completed in 1790 and it has a huge monument to Josiah Child.

    “I booked your domestic cleaning services to clean my new rented property and I wan to say that you did a really good job. You not only made my property look spotless in no time but you didn’t cost me all my savings, too – Felicia”

    “I relied on your cleaning firm to do the spring cleaning in my apartment because I didn’t have the time to do it by myself. Your technicians made my home look as good as new and I will definitely take advantage of the service again – Martha”

    Many companies in Wanstead offer domestic cleaning services but none of them can compete with us. We have many years of practice in this field and we have set very economical rates for our services because we want more and more people to be able to afford our assistance.

    Our domestic cleaning services include all the basic chores that might exist in a household. However, if you want to add some particular chore, feel free to do it. We are open to new suggestions. We care about you and your opinion. Feel free to get in touch with us.